Gardening · Vegetable plot

Full steam ahead (with a little hic cup along the way)…

I suppose i’ll get the confession out the way first and admit to getting over enthusiastic with a few days of sunshine at the beginning of the month which were followed by a frost 😦 which meant i lost the 3 courgettes i put outside under a cloche ….

RIP x 3 courgettes  RIP lettucealso managed to boil a tray of lettuce that were sat under a propagated on the kitchen window sill 😦  all part of the learning curve i suppose  🙂

Since then i’ve gone on leaps and bounds ….. where do i begin some much is going on   🙂  i have a lovely full green house, lots of healthy growing seedlings 🙂

full green house
full green house
full kitchen window sill
full kitchen window sill






I’ve done 3 batches of sweetcorn but only
5 actually germinated :-/ might have to cheat a bit with the sweet corn and buy some seedlings

Now for outside in the raised beds 🙂 .. about a week ago i took a small risk and planted out my dwarf green beans and my mange tout as both were getting very leggie in the green house (also need the space mind)  thankfully as yet we’ve had no frosts just showers and sunny patches.  After the initial shock of being planted out all seem to have recovered really well and beginning to grow very well.

At about the same time i planted out some radish seedlings, sowing  a row of carrots and spring onions either side then covered them all with a plastic cloche.  Today i lifted the cloche to check to see whats happening and wow the radish are looking good, so good i picked one 🙂 yummy.  Both the carrots and spring onions are doing well and i weeded then replaced the cloche.

On the next quarter of bed 1 i’ve sown a further 2 rows of carrots and a row of garlic chives after inspecting today they are all peeping through the soil, which is very surprising as just after i’d sown them one of the pups jumped onto the bed and probably disturbed the very nice tidy rows.  Will be interesting to see what happens there.

radish :-)
radish 🙂








This past week has been a mix of sunshine and showers so today we decided to brave the showers and do more on the garden.  So in bed 3 i planted out a few cabbages and broccoli,  i placed a cloche over both and will keep a close eye on them.  We do have an old bed frame surrounding the bed which i will eventually cover with fine netting.

Also planted out some peas and mixed a few sweet peas that i had,   took a bit of a chance and planted out 2 single beetroot but placed home-made mini single cloches over them.  ( cut down pop bottles ).

Sonny the gnome supervising
Sonny the gnome supervising

Back in the green house i planted on a tray of sprouts, beetroot and lettuce seedlings, this took up more space than i thought so the 6 chilli plants have been removed to the bedroom window sill.

Hubbs continues to work on clearing the very end of the garden along the fence line.  We plan to build up a mound then fence it all off, loosing about 2ft along the end but it will add to the security of that edge of the garden.

For first growing, this season i’m growing garlic (planted out last october) in a tub its doing fantastically well.  Leeks too are a first and after germinating in what i’ve now decided was a much too shallow tray, i’ve planted them on into a bigger deeper pot and they’ll sit out in the greenhouse until big enough to plant out.


As a little experiment for me i’ve sown about 5 or 6 carrot seeds into a big pot just to see how straight and big they grow.










Then of course there’s lots of tomatoes at different levels of growth.

It’s now getting a little late after what has been a full day so i’m off to chill in front of the tv with a cold glass of wine.

This blog has probably updated all the veggies i’m growing, i’ll try to do a blog on the flowers i’m growing too which are many more than i had planned.

Happy germinating peeps   🙂



Being a mum · Black days · life changes

Yayyyy i got it …

After nearly 15yrs of being a ‘at home mum’ it looks like i’m going back to work full-time.  It all seems to be fate, the job is just perfect for me to go back to after so long.  I’m going to be a care assistant in a brand new built care home run by a none profit-making charity called ‘the order of st john’, elderly care has come on leaps and bounds since i did my 3 month stint during my training.

I hope in time i can also re.instate my Registered General Nurse qualification too.

Its funny i’m very excited but quite nervous at the same time 🙂

Obviously its going to mean big changes in our family dynamic’s, i will expect my 2 sons to step up and help a little more around the house, seeing as they are nearly grown adults now i don’t think it will hurt them.

I will miss my hubbs terribly, i’m  so used to being with him all the time and then of course theres my 3  ‘girls’  (cavalier king charles spaniels) they will miss me loads, but i promise to make it up to them all  on my days off.

soaking up some sun
soaking up some sun



Another bonus i’m hoping going out to work will help lift my depression 🙂 keeping busy and seeing the outside world.