50th birthday · Being a mum · grandparents · Uncategorized

New beginnings

Yesterday something very big in my life happened …. I became a very proud grandparent.

A great start to what I hope to be a very memorable year as it is also my 50th birthday in February, my darling hubbs is also 50 in May… my  or I should say our plans are to live a bit this year.  The children are all old enough to manage without us for a few days freeing us up to travel a bit.

This is hopefully going to be the first of many new blogs following my 50th year and our adventures and also the odd trial and tribulations of life.   I’ll pop back in a few days to perhaps do an outline of our celebration plans for the year, just felt as the dogs had got me up at some stupid time before I had to go to work i’d make a start.


Not a greatly flattering photo but need to take a few more and download to new laptop…. but this is Ruby my very gorgeous granddaughter.

Well be back soon better go get ready for work  🙂

Have a lovely day and thank you for taking the time to read my blog …it will get better I promise 🙂