allotment · Gardening · Vegetable plot

My season has started …..

Might be a bit early and i know its risky but i did it any way 🙂

ready to go
ready to go

So with 3 lots of seeds I’ve just laid them on wet tissue and will transplant when they germinated.. never done this before but some people I’ve chatted to find it good if the seeds are old, i did peas, cauliflower and parsnips. literally there was just no more than 10 seeds of each put into a small propagator inside another bigger one.

seed mountain
seed mountain

Into potting compost i have sown some cherry and money-maker tomatoes and some sweet peppers. Like the seeds on tissue I’ve put them into small propagators then placed into bigger ones.

mixed daffs

Popped to the allotment yesterday and although we’re very lucky and not flooded but still very wet. The biggest worry was the shed but its safe and still standing.

The vegetable garden looks ok both beds were covered with cardboard so not sure what to expect when i lift that. As as things start drying up we have plans to rebuild one of the 2 beds so there’ll be a few ton of soil to move. Once the soil is moved and the new bed built i intend to empty my compost bin into the new bed then cover back up with soil.

I have noticed that 2 fence panels joining our garden to next door have fallen into or garden … so i suppose that should take priority over any other jobs. Ideally I’d like to re.fence all of the bottom half of the garden.

Moving to the front garden which seems to collect all of the streets rubbish behind the rubbish are my 2 Belfast sinks ….. looking closely it won’t be too long before we get some colour.