
Monday musing…….

Weekend is over and we start a fresh new week … I love Mondays ..to me it signifies a new start and full of all good intentions…… so what if by Tuesday they have all gone out the window … I always start the week well.

Today I have a day off work and as usual a list as long as my arm of things I want to do and get done.  It is also payday today so bills have been paid and later Maya (my daughter )  wants a lift to go and get some shopping of course I don’t mind at all as I get to spend some time with my gorgeous munchkin Ruby.

Ruby Rose ….. on a mission

So as well as that I have already made a start on the household chores that didn’t get done yesterday and really want to get up into the sewing room at some point even if I only get some fabric and patterns sorted it would be a start.

Over the weekend Hubbs and I had a short conversation about how he’d put the rubbish bin out for me …. I normally say ”oh thank you ” but this time I replied … ”for me??” he then hastily reworded the statement to ”I put the bin out for the family ”.

This got me thinking about the chores that I do …some things are really chores, things I really don’t like doing…like sorting the recycling or clearing away dishes.  There are also the chores I like to do like straightening up the front room, vacuuming, dusting and clearing the clutter that gathers from nowhere.  I enjoy sorting washing and actually doing the ironing too but hate putting away those piles of fresh laundry.  I get a great feeling of achievement when all the kitchen sides are decluttered and clear again.  I’d like to think I keep a good house, I would like to think I’m  house proud but not to the extreme. So today will be a mix of liked and disliked chores rewarded at the end of the day with some time in my sewing space.

Each Sunday or Monday I also like to do myself a plan of things to do for  the week making sure I have a good mix.  This week I’m working tues/wed/thur  so normally pencil some nice things to do before or after my shift.

Looking at the weather forecast it doesn’t look like I need to pencil in any gardening time I’m desperate to get out a clear a carpet of vine weed that has appeared overnight but that won’t take more than an hour so will run out between showers.

Oh dear I’m starting to waffle so better get off ….. good timing 🙂 as the washer is on spin.

Have a good week peeps what ever your up to 🙂







Wednesday … To Do’s

Already running behind today but not a huge problem as I am on a day off.  Each Sunday evening I look at the week ahead and plan my  To Do’s, so obviously 4 days are automatically taken up with work.  Occasionally on my late shifts I may have 1 or 2 things to do before work those of which I try to make nice things for me then on early shifts I try and Do household chores.   Then there’s my days off,  priority would be Ruby time obviously fitting around what her parents are doing, from then I see what times left and think about what I want to do.

Planning my time off helps stay focused and I feel at the end of each day that I have achieved something on days that go wrong or I don’t achieve what I wanted I often find myself in a very low mood or right excuse the saying ”pissed off”

It all sounds a bit controlled but I want to do so much after years of not being able to afford to do a lot now we are a little better off we have less free time.

So back to today …. To Do’s ..

Household chores = laundry …got a huge pile of ironing and may risk putting some washing on the line after I’ve checked forecast then a general tidy up.


Sewing =  I need to tidy up and clear some space then decide on what to make …the list is endless so i’ll probably chose 1 or 2 projects and cut fabric starting with a small project then as I get back into the swing i’ll find a more challenging project.

Garden =  Check on everything in the greenhouse and then some much needed dead heading of the hanging baskets

At the same time I’m thinking about work and where I want to go and what I want to do…..

because I’m very proud and excited to say (its still early days) but it looks like I’m going to be and grandma again, I would like and need to be able to support my daughter and her little family.


So here’s to a sunny happy day to everyone …enjoy what your doing what ever it maybe.